Hydro Therapy

For Centuries “Wellness through Water” has symbolized our instinctual belief and practice in water’s curative and transforming powers. Exclusive to Austin Springs Spa, our baths are enjoyed in antique style bathtubs in candle lit rooms. All are private and only the best products and essential oils are used. A great way to prepare your mind and body for a massage.
Aromatherapy Bath
Luxurious anti-stress bubble bath infused with essential oils used to mineralize and de-stress your mind, body and soul.
20 minutes
$50 - Standard Pricing/ $55 - Peak Pricing
Dead Sea Mineral Bath
Excellent for stress relief and holistic healing, this bath treatment is recommended for those who suffer from inflammation and sports injuries. It is a wonderful way to soothe and heal your aches and pains.
20 minutes
$50 - Standard Pricing/ $55 - Peak Pricing
Ginger Detox Bath
Soak your troubles and impurities away in this relaxing ginger and lavender bath. After the bath, your detoxification is continued in our dry sauna.
20 minutes
$50 - Standard Pricing/ $55 - Peak Pricing
Spa Menu Pricing
S- Standard Days Monday-Thursday
P- Peak Days Friday-Sunday